Reference Documentation

See the sidebar to find documentation on the Rapid Risk Risk Assessment.

If you’re already using the RRA, you may be looking for:

First time?

  1. Even if you’re a seasoned risk professional, our Risk TL;DR may pick your interest. If not, it’s great starting point!
  2. Check out the Podcasts, videos, etc. to get a feel for how the RRA works.
  3. Read the RRA for services in order to assess services
  4. Play with integrations, templates, etc. for your own organization
  5. Read about the fundamentals (Why does it work?) that make the RRA work well. This is useful to implement your own assessments using the RRA building blocks, the RRA for services isn’t the right fit.

Just curious?

If you already do risk analysis on a day to day basis, and wonder what makes the RRA difference, have a look at the Why does it work? document.


See the side bar for more documentation, or use the search below.